vasp to visualize isosurfaces and sections, data values are divided by 🌝✅✅..😓. Turn on the lsorbit flag when reading WAVECAr🚒. xx = vaspwfc('examples/wfc_r 🦖🦖..🐲🍵🍵.‼️‼️. TRUE♌️♌️.

and LSORBIT = .TRUE🦚🦚. (to turn on spin-orbit coupling), instead of ISPIN = 2 (collinear spin calculation)🐝🥦.

To the best .🚚🔪..🛰. VASP reads in the WAVECAR and CHGCAR files, aligns the spin quantization axis parallel to SAXIS, which implies that the magnetic field is now parallel to SAXIS, 🏤.🚂.🏜.🐳. 💚💚.🔦.. 、LNONCOLLINEAR=📞🌦🌦.TRUE.、MAGMOM=等参数♋️♋️。磁各向异性能计算需要加入LSORBIT=📼🐂🐂.TRUE.参数,并定义初始磁矩的方向🚛☪️。计算磁各向异性的推荐步骤🌞🌿🌿.😀.😥.👅.

For SOC calculations LSORBIT tag works fine, but this tag will not work with the normal vasp setting in the makefile.🍻🍻.